New Membership Application

1. Join the Seacoast Ski Club online:

  • Read through this information, then go to the bottom of this page to begin filling out your "membership profile".
  • You will be asked to enter your email address.   Your email address will be used as your user ID.
  • After selecting the next button, Scroll to the bottom of the page to complete entering your application information.  
  • Following submission of your application information, you will receive a confirmation email along with a copy of your invoice to indicate you successfully registered online. Once your payment has been processed, you will receive an email to acknowledge you have an active account.  Once your account is active, you will be able to log in using your email address and your password.
  • *Please Note:  Annual membership dues is $50.00.  Our membership year runs from Oct. 1 through Sept. 30 of the following year.  All memberships become due on Oct. 1.   Only new members who sign up on or after of July 1 will have their membership extended through the following membership year.  This policy does not apply to lapsed memberships.

  • Membership Cards:   Simply open your profile where you will find your membership card waiting for you.  You can either print it out on card stock, or download to your 'smart phone'.  Otherwise, come to one of our monthly meetings and pick up a card at our membership desk.

2. Payment options: "Pay Online" using a  credit card; mail your registration form using below address,  or pay directly at the meeting:
  • Option 1: Select "Pay Online" button using your credit card . *This is the quickest and easiest way to complete your membership.  
  • Option 2: Complete and Print the Membership Application form, make out the check to the: "The Seacoast Ski Club" and mail the check to the The Seacoast Ski Club, PO Box 90, Portsmouth, NH 03802-0090.   *See no. 3 below
  • Option 3: Complete and Print the Membership Application form, attend a monthly meeting and submit your application form along with your check.  *See no. 3 below
3. Already joined and paid your dues with a check? You still have to "Join" online if you wish to be listed on our rolls and receive club email communications!
  • If you choose option 2 or option 3, the SSC still requires members to create an online account to receive  email communication, view privileged member information and be listed as an active member. 
  • To do this enter your email address below and begin filling out the online application form.
Individual - $50.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: October 1st No automatically recurring payments

Enter your email

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* e-Mail