Frequently Asked Questions

Having difficulty with the web site? Below are the common questions:

I have tried several times to log on to the web site but the system message tells me that my e-mail address is not found. I have been getting the eNewsletter. Can you help?

Even though you joined the SSC, paid your membership dues by check and received the eNewsletter, there is another step in order to log onto to the web site. You have to "Join" again via the web site in order to start the process to activate your online membership. Good news, you don't have to pay your dues again!

Here's how the process works:
  1. After you have joined and paid your membership fee, go to the Member Application page of the SSC web site -
  2. Select the Membership (Individual), then select Next
  3. Fill out the requested information and create an account password
  4. Submit the Member Application
  5. The web site then notifies SSC staff of your request, once your payment is confirmed, SSC will allow you access to the web site. You will receive an email from SSC when the process completes within 48 hours.
  6. Afterward you may log on to the site with your email address and password

I tried to log on to review the selected big trips. I have no password and the "forgot password" did not recognize my e-mail address. What do I need to do?
Answer: You do not have to log on to see the Big Trip descriptions. It is public information. Paid members have active accounts which are their email address and with a selected password.

What's the benefit of having an online membership?
Answer: Online membership allow members to receive email updates about all the SSC sponsored activities. Emails via the website protect club members from spam and unintentional viruses from other members of the club.  Online membership also gives you access to view the Stuff for Members Only 

May I receive information about club events and not be a paid member?                        Answer:  Yes. Complete a new member application as outlined under the new member application tab, select manual as the preferred payment method, then confirm your information as directed.  You will receive a confirmation email that you are registered, but need to send a check.  You can ignore this last step.  This will place your email address on our mailing list and you will receive information about club sponsored activities.  You will not have permissions to view our "Stuff for Members Only" section of the website. Remember, to attend any club sponsored trip, you must be a current member in good standing and with your club dues paid in full.

Can I pay for a trip by credit card?                                                                                          Answer:  You can pay for your membership by credit card but not for a trip.  We try to keep the trip costs down and to avoid credit card processing fees, we will only accept check payments for trips.

If you have a question to submit, if you have any suggestions or want to volunteer, email us at: