Annual Ski Fair and Club Meeting

  • 09 Sep 2013
  • 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
  • The RedHook Brewery, Pease Tradeport, Portsmouth, NH

Once again, the finer New England ski areas will have reps and booths at the Ski Fair to provide us with information, trail maps, swag, and lift tickets for our raffle.   The meeting is posted as starting at 6:30 to give you time to meet the reps and socialize before they give brief presentations starting at 7:00.  There will also be time afterwards to meet the reps and socialize.  You can also sign up for the new winter trips.  This is the perfect meeting to introduce your friends to the Seacoast Ski Club.  Bring them all!

The SSC generally meets every second Monday of each Month, from September to June, at 7:30 PM at:
The Redhook Brewery
Pease Tradeport,
35 Corporate Drive
Portsmouth, NH 03801
(603) 430-8600
Come early and enjoy dinner before the meeting with other club members at the Redhook restaurant. When you show your membership card, you will receive 10% off your meal!

Note: next month's meeting is on Tuesday, October 13th due to the Columbus Day Holiday!