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The Balsams, Dixville Notch, NH
13 Mar 2009
15 Mar 2009
The Balsams, Dixville Notch, NH
2 Payments options: with lift tickets and without. Select the option you prefer.
Weekend Trip:
The Balsams, Dixville Notch, NH
March 13 - 15, 2009
The Balsams: A Grand Resort Hotel
Relax, enjoy, and be pampered in grand style, high in New Hampshire's White Mountains and deep in the Great North Woods. This 15,000-acre retreat offers exceptional lodging, world-renowned cuisine and plenty of winter activities to ensure the perfect mountain late winter getaway.
This Trip Includes:
2 nights lodging, double occupancy, Friday and Saturday
Single rooms available for an extra $50 per night
Third night lodging available at group rate if desired
2 breakfasts, Saturday and Sunday
Dinner Saturday evening — a Table d'Hote 5 Course L
egendary Dinner
Full use of all on-property recreational activities, including Alpine & Nordic tickets
Price of trip is only $285 per person
To Register and Pay for This Trip:
Send your $50 deposit check, made out to the Seacoast Ski Club, to:
Stephen Luber, PO Box 424, Durham, NH 03824
For more information, please contact the trip leader:
Stephen Luber
Daytime Phone
: 603-862-1889