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Sundays at Sunday River, Maine
16 Jan 2011
Sunday River, Maine
2011 Winter Day Trip:
Sundays at Sunday River, Maine
Join Us for Some Spectacular Sunday Skiing on:
Sunday, January 16th
Sunday, February 13th
& Sunday, March 6, 2011
This is a bare-bones series of day trips to Sunday River, Maine undefined at bare-bones prices!
Join us for one, two or three of the Sundays. If you have seasons tickets already, you can purchase
the bus trip only option, and join us for the ride. Pick-up and drop-off bus transportation is provided
by luxury coach from Portsmouth, NH. Bring along some snacks to share on the bus. Sit back and enjoy a complimentary movie along with your friends on the way to and from Sunday River.
Equipment rentals and ski lessons, at very reasonable rates, may be arranged on an individual basis.
Trip Includes:
One day lift ticket per Sunday
Transportation by luxury coach from Portsmouth
Movies on the bus
All gratuities
Trip Price Options:
3 Sundays Bus & Ski:
3 Sundays Bus Trip Only:
1 Sunday Individual Bus & Ski:
1 Sunday Individual
Bus Trip Only:
Trip Leaders: Bruce Allen, Cindy Whitney and Richard Whitney
For more information, please contact:
Phone: 603-659-8281