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General Club Meeting
10 May 2010
7:00 PM
The RedHook Brewery, Pease Tradeport, Portsmouth, NH
The SSC meets every second Monday of each Month, from September to June, at 7:00 PM at:
The Redhook Brewery
Pease Tradeport,
35 Corporate Drive
Portsmouth, NH 03801
(603) 430-8600
Come early and enjoy dinner before the meeting with other club members at the Redhook restaurant. When you
show your membership card, you will receive 10% off your meal!
Have dinner with your friends 6, schmooze with the trip leaders upstairs at 7, and presentations start at 7:30.
THE SPRING FLING ON THE THOMAS LAIGHTON is on 5/22, so bring your checkbook tonight to sign up! Only $25!
For more information about the Seacoast Ski Club, visit: